Constitutional Convention
Monday: Discuss motives of "framers". Who's interests were they protecting in this new "democracy"? Reading from Zinn. What were the issues being discussed at the Constitutional Convention?
HW: Fill in issues chart
Tuesday: I will be out. In-class essay on Compromise at the CC.
HW: Complete Essay
Wednesday: Intro to the Issues at the CC. What were they? Why were these the main issues? Discuss the different plans and compromises of the CC. Reading from CC. Who wanted what? Who were Federalists and Antifederalists and what did they want?
HW: Complete chart (based on whether you are a federalist or antifederalist) Click here for a chart to help get you started.
Thursday: In class research. Federalists vs. AntiFederalists. Discuss main points of views. Why did these people hold these views?
DEBATE RESEARCH:: CLICKE HERE for help on specific men
This is good as well
And lastly
Okay now lastly
Friday: Ratification. Political cartoon analysis. Process and consequences of ratification.
HW: Terms and Names for AMSCO 7. Outside readings w/ questions.
NEXT: What does the Constitution say and how can we twist its meaning so that your phone can be tapped.
On our note card... Is it quotes to help argue our point ((Quotes ebing from the person you represent)) or just arguements that our person argued.
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