1. Pageant notes: Chapters 26 and 28. Review notes from end of Chapter 27.
2. Relevant terms and Names from the chapter (373 and 392 in AMSCO correlate to these chapters, you do not need to define terms or names that are in AMSCO but do not appear in Pageant)
3. Answer the following questions (paragraph form... be in depth, use your notes, don't come in with vague statements and hope to get credit):
1. What were the structural and immediate causes of the Great Railroad strike of 1877? How did the public and governmental response to the strike reflect the attitudes of the era?
2. What factors led to the rise of the Populist Party during the last decades of the 19th century? What does agrarian discontent indicate about American culture during the late 19th century?
3. What reforms did the Populists seek? What factors contributed to the decline of the Populist movement? To what extent did the movement succeed?
4. What effects did Urbanization have on the country politically? Socially? Economically?
woOow i finally got this picture...that is jesus being crucified by gold. The point got across but its a bit extreme in my opinion. I'm actuall smart and not dumb
Congratulations you must be in denial... "ACTUALLY"
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