Wednesday, July 18, 2007

APUSH 2007-2008

Hello and welcome to the official blog of Mr. J's APUSH class. I hope you are all as excited as I am for summer and then a great school year. I am back from my wedding/honeymoon and as such, will have much more time to update this site as the summer goes on.

I have given you two assignments so far for the summer. One involves the 'Hall of Fame'. This is fairly self explanatory but feel free to ask any questions on the comment section below. The second assignment deal with a historical figure profile. I will be assigning each of you 2 or 3 (have not decided yet) historical figures to take on. The assignment was handed out on the last day of school (it's the one with the gerald ford template on it).

I will be assigning these figures in the next week or so but I would like each of you to check in by leaving a comment below with your name.

I may be requiring each of you to start a google account if you do not already have one. Google is one of the many tools that we will utilize this year in order to enhance our ability to study US History.

Again, please feel free to ask anything in the comment section. It would be helpful for me if you (anyone) could list as many names of people who are taking the class as possible. We will need to set up an e-mail or phone chain as well.

More to come, enjoy your summers!!

Notice the usable Google calendar on the right hand side of the site. You can use this to see the agenda for the day/week/month!


J said...

This is where you should leave your name in order to check in with me. Let me know how you are progressing on the summer assignment(s). Once you check in I can give you the historical figures I have assigned you in order to complete the 2nd summer assignment. Please spread the word to others enrolled in the class.

Unknown said...

Mr J! Congratulations! You are now a married man. I hope your honeymoon was fun.

As far as the assignment goes, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let us only have to do two people. I have so (so so so so so) much to do this summer, I think I'm going to topple over from the work overload.

Work just keeps piling on and time is really running scarce. I beg of you; please don't overkill me!

My last request is for the name of the AP history book we're suppose to buy. I need to go buy it eventually so it'd be nice knowing what I need to buy (especially since I think I have to oder it).

Thank you!

J said...

Good questions Anna,

I am only going to assign 2 people so worry not. The name of the book you should get is 'United States History: Preparing for the Advanced Placement Examination'. It should be available at Borders as I have called them to see if they can order a bunch.

Again, if you could spread the word to your classmates to check in with me on this website that would be great. Could you also list off the names of those in the class for me one more time?

P.S. Since you check in I will give you your 2 people.

Anna 1: Samuel Gompers
Anna 2: Cornelius Vanderbilt

Shaina said...

Congratulations on your wedding and honeymoon Mr. J! The people I can recall that are in the class are Anna Nguyen (as you know)and Tam Nguyen. I also think Tyler Mumme and Emily Morgan are taking the class but I am not sure. Also if I could have my two people, that would be great and thanks for making it only two people!

Shaina said...

umm, one more question...
For the Hall of fame project, is all we are doing matching up the people and expaining why?

PS.. Olivia Rudnicki is also taking the class

J said...


thanks for the list.

Your people are:

Shaina 1: William Jennings Bryan
Shaina 2: George Marshall

J said...

SO the list of people taking the class is:

Anna N.
Tam N.
Shaina R.
Rob S.
Olivia R.
Pat R.
Emily M.

Help me out here guys, the school does not have a list yet so I need your help in getting in touch with the class so we can get in touch here.


Anonymous said...

yo Mr.J congrats on ur marriage!
do you have the people im doing for the summer assignment? thanks

J said...

Thanks Tim!

Tim 1: Booker T. Washington
Tim 2: Dwight Eisenhower

Anonymous said...

Hi Mr. J!!
Congrats! I hope you had fun in Hawaii. I'm writing to you all the way from Poland. I'm having a blast here. Anyways, do you have the 2 people that I am doing? Thanks!

J said...


Thanks and I hope your trip is going great! How is it in Europe?
Your two people are:

Olivia 1: Joseph Pullitzer
Olivia 2: Teddy Roosevelt

Tell the family I said 'hello'!

Anonymous said...

Hey Mr. J Congrats on your wedding. just checking in -Ali S.

J said...

Hey Ali,

Hope your summer is going well.

Your two people are:

Ali 1: Andrew Johnson
Ali 2: Harry Truman

Anonymous said...

Hey Mr J a married man now congrats!!! i hope your honeymoon was fun and your summers going good anyway congrats again.

Ya im just wondering who i have to do now so i can get that started already anyway thank you

J said...

Hey Pat,


Pat 1: Joseph McCarthy
Pat 2: William McKinley

Little Peanut said...

Hi Mr.J,Congratulations! Hope your summer was good.

You already know that I am taking the class... Now I am just wondering if you have that people for me to do the assignment?

J said...



Tam 1: Fredrick Jackson Turner
Tam 2: Stephen Douglas

Unknown said...

Wow sorry Mr. J, I left the comment on your page so long ago that I forgot to check to see if you replied because.. you didn't reply right away at first. haha I'm sorry!

As for people taking your class, didn't we sign a paper on the last day of school?

Um.. Mr. J.. this may seem like a sily question but.. What are we doing? lol I forgot.. We had a conversation about what our assignment was over at least 2 months ago.. I really don't remember the assignment... anymore.

Care to explain your assignment again for those of us who forgot? =)

J said...

I handed out two pieces of paper. The first was titled "Hall of Fame" and the assignment was listed on the front. Basically you defend your picks from a list of historical figures who would be inducted into the Hall of Fame. The second assignment (for which you need your two people) is explained on the second hand out. You must create a one page sheet (like the template of Gerald Ford which is on the back of the sheet I handed out)for each of the people I have assigned you.

Those of you taking the class who did not show up to the meeting on the last day of school are responsible for getting one of those sheets and copying it from a friend. No excuses come class.


Any and all questions are more than welcome.

Unknown said...

Hm.. ok. I .. get it. Thank you, I will try my hardest. haha

Little Peanut said...

Hi, again. For the Hall of Fame assignment how long does it have to be? Also is there any specific format you want it in? Does each person need a paragraph or one for each pair?

J said...

One good paragraph for each person should do it. Remember, you need to back up your choices with relevant facts and arguments. It doesn't have to be a drawn out explanation, just a well reasoned one! No format to speak of as long as I can

a. read it
b. understand it

Be as creative as you want with this assignment.

Anonymous said...

Hi Mr. J.!
Hope your summer's going well. You already have my name down, but I need my two people.
Thank you!

J said...



1: Abraham Lincoln
2: Mark Twain

Anonymous said...

3 Weeks. :(

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Mr. J, we should probably include a bibliography for the "What I've Learned" assignment right?

Also, you wanted it only to be a page so is it OK if we primarily focus on one thing on our "what I've learned" paper? For Samuel Gompers, I just wanted to focus on his Labor Union.

Do I need to mention miscellaneous details like "his wife's name was blah blah" and "he had blah kids"?

Sorry, I just had to ask because on the example sheet you gave us for Gerald For, it said "Deep Throat? I have no idea. That's the least of my worries." - I was just wondering if you wanted the random stuff like that too.

J said...


Wife and kid info is not really pertinent to our tudy of history. You want to focus on the major aspects of history that your person affected or was effected by. For Samuel Gompers you would be absolutely right to focus on labor unions because he had so much influence over labor movements in American history. The quote about deep throat for Gerald Ford refers to the media source that leaked information about Richard Nixon which led to his resignation. It is an important quote, and one that the author got creative with. You could create quotes like this regarding your people. What would Gompers say about industrialists? Other labor leaders? Government. Remember to read about the person and the time period in which he or she lived. You need to be an expert on the time period in which this person lived.

J said...

p.s. a bibliography would be a good idea, but Pageant should suffice.

Anonymous said...

May be a little late but congrats. You know me I have to wait until the last minute to do everything. Knowing my people would be great. Thanks.

J said...



Rob 1: Dred Scott
Rob 2: Jimmy Carter

J said...

Ken 1: James K. Polk
Ken 2: Ulyses S. Grant

Anonymous said...

Hi again Mr. J!
What do we have to bring to the first day of class? Like do we need last year's notes, AMSCO, and Pageant all on the first day?

Anonymous said...

hey its tim again. does the final product of our work have to look good
or does it just have to be atleast legible?

J said...

What you need for the first day's class is a binder, dividers, and AMSCO. On the first day we will be going over what is needed on a daily/weekly basis.

The final product should be just that, a final product. Legible. Typed if possible. It should not look like scribbled notes etc...

Unknown said...

Mr J, What size binder should we have for your class? A 3 inch binder or will a 2 inch binder be just as significant?

J said...

The bigger the better.

Unknown said...

Alright, thank you.

I have another question though (I'm sorry). So, I ordered the APUSH book off that website you gave. After I completed all the requirements it wanted, the site said that it would send me a confirmation email. Its been 24 hours and I still haven't received the email (and yes, I did type in my email correctly). Does the website usually take a while before it sends out the email or did I just fill out one of the field requirements out incorrectly? If that is the case, will the website void my order?

lol I'm not really sure who I should contact so I thought I'd just email you about it. haha SORRY! =)

J said...


Depending on when you ordered it I would guess that you just need to wait a couple of business days. SInce this past weekend was a major U.S. holiday it may take a couple extra days to process. I ouldn't worry just yet. You can always call the publisher to check on your order. They should have a telephone number listed on the site.

Anonymous said...

Hi Mr.J last week I went to Borders to get AMSCO but they didnt have it in stock so they said they would order one for me. They just called my and said it was out of print and they had no way of getting it. So im going to order 1 online.

Unknown said...

Yeah sorry, it figures they would send the email soon after I left you the message.

Anonymous said...

Hey j, last minute hope you respond. Wondering who my 2 people are. In the hall of fame do we have to have a paragraph for every person or for every "room" that has a certain 2 people?

Anonymous said...

oops missed my people but i found them! thanks!

Anonymous said...

hi Mr. J I remembered you said something was due on Monday I was sure if it was the Map. Please tell me what it was.thanks

Anonymous said...

nevermind i just thought of it