Create an annotated chart regarding the following presidents with regard to policies and events of their respective presidencies.
This can double as a study guide for the essay and test you will have next week.
Each part of the chart is worth 5 points and must contain a thorough description and analysis of their presidencies (major legislation, policy decisions, events...)
Any questions or concerns can be asked here.
Just to be clear about class... I think you all are doing a fantastic job when you put in the effort and I have seen brilliant work from each of you at times. I urge you to ask as many questions as possible. I would appreciate everyone to be as prepared as they can be. I realize that you can not spend hours upon hours each night committing every fact to memory, but I do expect a high level of knowlede stemming from Pageant. So if you only reskim the sections we are studying in class it would be much appreciated. I will do my best to support you in class. Have a good weekend.
on the chart do you want all the policies/events of the presidents or just the ones regarding foreign policy?
how many columns do you expect us to have? as long as we have all the info can it just the ones you gave: major legislation, policy decisions and events?
these will be follow-ups to livliv's questions.
okay this may sound stupid of me to say but honestly, i'm not quite sure what you're asking us to do mr. j. yes, i know its a chart analyzing their policies but your directions seem vague to me... you're going to ask me to be more specific but i'm not sure myself. can you just give us a little more direction as to what you want our charts to be? you say each part is worth 5 points.. does each part meaning the sections under "major legislation, policy decisions, events.."?
if so, are those three sections enough or do you want more subsections?
how far would you like us to go in foreign policy --up to WWI or do you want the policies during and after it as well?
about the open door policies, should it be categorized under president McKinley's presidency or TR's?
The chart should contain 4 parts. One for each of the presidents listed. Each part should contain an analysis of the things listed. Presidencies include both foreign and domestic. Had I only wanted one I would have specified that. In terms of time frame I am not sure it can be any more specific. The assignment deals with the presidencies of 4 men. Thus you should cover the length of their presidencies. If the Open Door Policy is part of more than one presidency, include it in both. Nothing I have written here was not already mentioned. You are making things more difficult for yourself if you try to 'read into' the assignment. There is no hidden part to it as it was specific.
If you have content specific questions I am happy to answer them.
i have a question. say the open door policy covers 2 presidencies do we need different entries for both presidencies or can we say the same thing for both presidencies?
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