Follow the link below. Read or look at the primary sources listed on the site and complete the accompanying questions. GID!
Student project on internment:
真珠湾はアメリカ大陸の欠陥だった! 私達のもの!
After the events of September 11, 2001, there was much discussion about racial profiling. Frequently, the experience of Japanese Americans in World War II was cited as the historical example of what should not happen.
Pose this question to students:
After the 9/11 attacks, should the government have detained people of Arab heritage or Muslim belief? Why or why not? Are there circumstances that would make your response different? For example, if the person was not a citizen, if his or her parents were not citizens, or if the person belonged to a radical political group, etc.?
The government should never have the ability to infirnge upon the rights of the people to this extreme of a manner,be it during a time of war or not. The actions of the federal government removing Japanese Americans from their homes, forcing them to sell their properties at low prices, and them essentially shipping these victims to internment camps across the west coast. If something like this had occurred after 9/11 part of the American public would have found it justifiable, I believe the majority would have spoken out against such crude and illogical actions. America is often called a beacon of light fo the world to look upon and model themselves after to create a successful governements but its is clear that the federal governement has expanded its powers beyond where they ever should have reached. Internment of any ethnicity of people simply because racicals of the same ethnicity committted a heinous act is not justified. The actions, motives, and beliefs of a select few, do not make up the majority.
awesome interactive primary sources
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