Wednesday, December 22, 2010

For vacation you should:

1. Read chapters 16, 17.
2. Annotate the chapters and define each ID.
3. Answer the questions below in paragraph form... Ap level answers only!

A. Analyze the ways that the federal government contributed to the development of the West. What impact did expansion have on different groups in society?

B. To what extent did changes in the South from 1865-1900 reflect (a) a vision of a "New South" and (b) traditional American attitudes and policies?

C. Compare and contrast the roles of the federal government as both promoter and regulator of United States industrial development from 1865-1900. What impact did econimic growth have on different groups in society?

D. What were the goals, methods, and achievements of labor groups in the period 1865-1900.


sylvia said...

thnx mr. J yep this just made my vacation :)

RZA aka Bobby Digital said...

Post Civil War Immigrants

Who:Italians,Greeks,Croats,Slovaks,Poles,Russians (Southern/Eastern Europe)Religions-Roman,Greek Orthodox,Russian Orthodox,Jewish.

What: Poverty,Population Boom,Religious Persecution (in Europe). Political/Religious Freedom,Economic Opportunites (in America)
"birds of passage"-young men contracted for unskilled factory work,mining,construction who would then return to their native land when they aquired a fair sum of money.

Where:Poor ethnic neighborhoods.Cities such as New York City and Chicago.

When:Beginning of the 1890's to World War I (1914).

Impact on the U.S.:Due to the influx of immigrants during this time period,groups were formed such as labor unions,nativist societies (American Protective Association), and social Darwinists.Most immkigrants settled in "ghettos" (crowded,unhealthy,crime)where they would start their journey towards the American dream.

Major Events:Restriction of immigration of "undesirable" people.(Those convicted of criminal acts or diagnosed mentally ill)

1885-Law that prohibited contract labor to protect American workers.

Ellis Island-new arrivals had to pass more medical and document examinations and pay an entry tax before being allowed in the U.S.