Thursday, October 25, 2007

Sectionalism in the Era of Good Feelings

Read this article and take margin notes on its relevance to the subject of sectionalism and the Era of Good Feelings.

Continue answering appropriate questions assigned in class.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Manifest Destiny and the War with Mexico

The link below is of Polk's war message to Congress.
After reading the message answer the following:

What reasons does Polk give for going to war?

Does he mention Manifest Destiny? Where?

Judging by the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, were the causes of the war rectified?

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Mexican American War

Visit the website below and complete the following tasks:
Link 1

A. Read the section titles Prelude to War and develop a thesis on the cause of the war (Manifest Destiny? Political posturing? Imperialism?) Cite specific information from your notes and the website.

B. View the interactive timeline and browse this section.
1. What were the Mexican perceptions of the war?
2. What role did the U.S. play in reporting the war?
3. What were the stipulations of the Treaty of Guadelupe Hidalgo? Was it a
realization of pre-war American goals? Manifest Destiny?

C. Browse this section and
1. Take notes on the various viewpoints about the war (just or unjust? etc...)
2. Explain which thesis you agree with most and why.

D. Watch the video below. It is embedded in the site. If you can not see it, click on 'Link 2'. Which argument do you agree with most and why?

Link 2

E. Be prepared to debate the various issues regarding the Mexican-American War on Monday. Create note cards for each aspect of the debate. Each card should defend one of the following statements:

1. The Mexican American War was a result of Manifest Destiny
2. Manifest Destiny was a justification for political expansionism on the part
of America from the period 1821-1848

I will pick students at random to debate each side. This debate will be graded. Appraoch the debate as if it is an essay. You must have a thesis to go by for either side and then evidence to support your thesis. Ask questions here.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Texan Independence and Polk

Complete the following:

Notes regarding Texan independence and the presidency of James K. Polk. Consult AMSCO 221-225 for help as well.


Why did Americans move to the Texan territory initially? Manifest Destiny or a more practical reason?

Why was Texas initially denied statehood under Jackson and Tyler?

Why was Polk considered a 'dark horse' candidate for the presidency?

How would you describe the presidency of Polk? What were his major goals as president?

How did these foreign policy issues (border disputes, future war with Mexico, etc...) affect the country domestically? What issues resulted from expansionism and Manifest Destiny?

Saturday, October 06, 2007

Monroe's Presidency

Homework for the long weekend:

1. Complete the first steps (Reword question, brainstorm essentials, write thesis) for the 5th essay question for AMSCO Chapter 7.

2. Notes, AMSCO chapter 8.

3. Monroe Doctrine Questions:

Monroe Doctrine link

a. What relationship did the Monroe Doctrine seek to establish between the United States and Europe?

b. What relationship did the Monroe Doctrine seek to establish between the U.S. and Latin America? Why was the U.S. so interested in protecting the independence of newly-independent Latin American nations?

c. How does Monroe defend these policies in the Monroe Doctrine? What other American interests may have prompted such policies?

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

10/2 Homework


1. Answer questions from the primary source I handed out in class regarding Madison's war message.

2. Write a short paragraph explaining the significance of the causes of the War of 1812.


3. Reflection on your 2nd paper.