Monday, October 25, 2010

Early Republic

George Washington, his cabinet, and Congress set about the task of helping the infant country endure in the period following ratification. This Critical Period of U.S. history saw the development and implementation of the structure and function of government as well as the growth of political parties. Differing political opinions as well as both foreign and domestic events would challenge the country's leaders and test the validity of the new government.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Constitution

What is the Constitution that sets the framework of our government today? Why was it written and who was it written for in 1787? Did it protect any particular group in society? Does it embody the ideals of the revolutionary period? Who supported it and who did not? All of these are key to understanding our country's most crucial document. Discuss below.

Federalists v. Antifedaeralists and differences between Articles and Constitution